265 - It is too hot to do ANYTHING!
264 - I feel like I could...
263 - I'm Sam. He's Max. We bust punks.
261 - Sometimes I just want to crawl into a hole...
260 - REGRET
259 - I'M RICH
258 - Forgive me...
257 - Pig
256 - BROKE
255 - The inevitable conclusion
254 - It worked!
253 - What could possibly go wrong?
252 - I have a brilliant idea!
251 - I am so behind!
250 - 01001000
249 - ZDRAVST-vwee-tye
248 - Konnichiwa
247 - Bonjour...
246 - Good Day!
245 - Ack! Sunburn!
244 - Flo a t i n
243 - Curse you, waves!
242 - Digging a hole
241 - Going to the Beach!
240 - You guys can stay
239 - Shoo! Shoo!
238 - This is getting out of hand
237 - More friends!
236 - Hooray! A little friend!
235 - It's not the same...
234 - 6 - 8 Weeks Later
233 - Sending out for repairs
232 - Maybe this wasn't a good idea
231 - Soakin' in the tub
230 - So long, friends
229 - New friends!
228 - This could be a problem
226 - There's a Secret Mission in Outer Space
225 - All Better
224 - Pill
223 - Give it to me straight, doc
222 - I appear to be leaking
221 - Cough. I don't feel well.
220 - Bluuuuugh
219 - I have yet to cease believin!
217 - Company is coming!
216 - Clean little robot, clean!
215 - Oh yeah... This is familiar
214 - No one should wield such POWER!
213 - Days of the Future Past
212 - Here we go!
211 - I am building a time machine
210 - Head hurt... Out of medicine
209 - AIIEEE!!! I'm not dressed!
208 - I miss him...
207 - This is getting out of hand
206 - Strange Growth
205 - Boldly Going
204 - I want to buy stuff!
203 - It's not as good as my mom's
202 - Go Gadget Go
201 - Sleep Mode Activated
200 - R I B S
199 - Where's the fire?
198 - Coloring is Hard
197 - This chicken is not quite done
196 - I'm sorry little friend
195 - Crawfish
194 - DomoRoboKun
193 - Can we move this along, please?
191 - I think I broke the Internet
190 - Vacation is OVER!
189 - Please excuse our appearance while we undergo maintenance
188 - I think I need to be drinking more and drinking faster
187 - Swimwear
186 - Drawing is FUN
185 - I forgot my umbrella
184 - This is becoming a problem
183 - Curing my tiredness and hunger with coffee
182 - Upgrade?
181 - Design
180 - Shooting Zombies All Day Long
179 - Anxiously awaiting the weekend
177 - Robots make our lives better
176 - SCIENCE!
175 - Heavy Groceries
174 - Empty does NOT equal BROKEN
173 - I'd forget my head if it weren't attached...
172 - You call this a Zombie Apocalypse?
171 - My left eye hurts
170 - Everything is TERRIBLE
169 - What the heck?!?
168 - I got a new attitude
167 - Shoulder Mounted Cat Cannon
166 - My head feels thiiiiis biiiiig
165 - What was this doing in there?
164 - KOFF
163 - HUNG OVER (Peels)
162 - Getting Organized
161 - I can't put my arms down!
160 - Snow Day
159 - Adorable Impediment
158 - Whoa... Epic headrush
156 - Lost...
155 - WEINERS!
153 - Technology has advanced...
152 - I hate vans
151 - Oh dear...
150 - I'm over here
149 - Beeeaaansss
148 - Oh My...
147 - Merchandising
146 - Wramble
145 - It is very likely that he is a giant
144 - Rivalry
143 - I need a weapon
142 - RARR! I'm a monster!
141 - Narcissism
140 - Riding bikes all summer long
139 - Picnics!
138 - I've been busy animating
137 - GROSS
136 - Time flies
135 - Reduce. Reuse. Recycle... Reboot
134 - Busy
133 - If only it were so easy
132 - Mus(Nostalg)ic
131 - Excessive Packaging
130 - I have bad posture
128 - Creator
127 - I am a Rock (Band) God
126 - I gave up coffee this week
125 - Oh no! I broke the chain!
124 - Classic
123 - Indulge!
122 - Happy Birthday Tyler Miles!
121 - Tea time
120 - Sometimes I am just a big old crab cake
119 - 'Rock' Star
118 - One man's garbage
117 - Three is my limit
116 - How do I eat this?
115 - I've been waking up really early lately
114 - I'm the Leprechaun
113 - Funny Face
112 - Happy Pi Day!
111 - This is how you eat a slice of pizza
110 - I recommend you all walk around not wearing a helmet
109 - Is it soup yet?
108 - Second Wind
107 - Child Son of Daedalus
106 - Who are all you people?
105 - I spent the day cleaning
104 - Robot Detective
103 - Someone stole my lunch
102 - Drummer
101 - Savings
100 - Snowbotion
99 - The truth is believe.
98 - I am mighty
97 - I forgot to do a thing
96 - Taxes
95 - Arrr...
94 - It's like a hundred chocolate bars at once.
93 - Eyes closed
92 - Meeeuuuh...
91 - Fatal Error
90 - The latest model
89 - It's a little chilly out
88 - Where is everybody
86 - Laundry Day
85 - Contender Ready
84 - I slept in
83 - Touchdown!
82 - Minifridge
81 - Starstruck
80 - I make kitty scared
79 - I got a star!
78 - Treasure!
77 - Driving in a car
76 - Swoosh Swoosh Swoosh
75 - Pew! Pew! A laser!
73 - No Motivation
72 - The sun is bright and powerful
71 - Realism #1
70 - I have a new friend. His name is Flexo
69 - Caffeine is a wonderful drug
68 - My snow angels are less than ideal
67 - Technology is stupid.
66 - Today I am a Rock band
65 - Where have you been?!?
64 - Aromatic Vegetation
63 - Extra Fancy
62 - Playing DS at Connecticon
61 - Oops!
60 - Zzz
59 - Umm...
58 - Shill
57 - Dance Dance Dance
56 - Non dominant hand
55 - Chargin' my ki.
54 - This is totally different from that other flying one
53 - Robot in Disguise
52 - You're upside down.
51 - Bunny came back!
50 - I lost my bunny
49 - I seem to have misplaced my body.
48 - I move soft like the wind.
47 - Mah sword is too big.
46 - Pins
45 - Weeeee!!!
44 - It's a long way down.
43 - Apparently coconut bikinis and grass skirts are a Tahiti thing and not so much a...
42 - I went snorkeling with dolphins and sea turtles. Nyah nyah
41 - I went on a vacation to Hawaii
40 - We had company over last night. I made pigs in a blanket.
39 - Jealousy
38 - Too much coffee
37 - More Input
36 - I do whatever a spider can
35 - The internet makes me angry
34 - I am grumpy
33 - I am an artist
32 - Cat Naps
31 - Video games are fun
30 - I like rope and knots
29 - Top heavy
28 - System Crash. Reboot Required.
27 - I have an incredible urge to fill my innards with organic matter
26 - Some days I just want to draw and draw and draw
25 - Shut up. Coffee.
24 - So close...
23 - I haven't laughed that hard at the movies in a long time
22 - There is so much pressure building up in the cavities inside my head If only ...
21 - I think I am coming down with a cold
20 - I had a bad dream I dreamt I tore my head in half with my hands It came ap...
19 - I bought a very large umbrella I still hate the rain
18 - Rice Cup for Colony Planet
17 - I hate the rain
16 - Some days I just don't understand people...
15 - I am guilty of a crime
14 - I love my parents
13 - It was not as good as last time
12 - I cry at the movies
11 - Today I am a Rock Star
10 - Robotion 010
9 - Robotion 009
8 - Robotion 008
7 - Robotion 007
6 - Robotion 006
5 - Robotion 005
4 - Robotion 004
3 - Robotion 003
2 - Robotion 002
1 - Robotion 001
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All content © Seung Lee